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How the traveling and translation industries can be mutually beneficial

traveling and translation

Despite the economic hardships of the past decades, the travel and tourism industries are continuously growing, and, in 2017, their total contribution to the GDP has been evaluated to be 11,000 USD billion. Given the economic impact of the industry, companies have increasingly been looking to expand within new, foreign markets, reaching a wider customer base. However, being able to communicate a cohesive brand image across markets with different languages and cultures can be a challenging task. Translation and localization, therefore, can greatly benefit the further economic development of the industry, by adapting content from various languages and facilitating an improved relationship between enterprises and foreign clients.

Content standardization and personalization

While English still remains a global language, multiple studies have shown that customers appreciate it more when content is presented to them in their native language. Therefore, materials translated in the customer’s native language and culture are not only preferred but required from tourism companies. Content standardization helps establish clear terms of communicating with the customer, avoiding potential misunderstandings when it comes to professional terminology. This type of translation benefits the credibility of businesses within the travel industry and allows them to increase the value of their services. Translation isn’t just about getting the information across from one language to another – professional translation makes for content that is enticing and that speaks directly to the clients’ needs and emotions.

Preventing risks in the travelling industry

Travelers are, inevitably, going to encounter various cultural and linguistic barriers on their journeys abroad. It is up to the agencies, therefore, to prepare customers for their visit by providing comprehensive and understandable information about what they should expect during their visit and how their experience can be enhanced. A professional translation agency can accurately interpret this information for multinational markets and, therefore, guarantee that the expectations of customers from various markets match the company’s offerings.

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Optimizing the travel agency’s website

The information gathered online regarding a particular destination or a travel agency plays a big role in customers’ decision process. With digital travel sales worldwide expected to reach an all-time high of 817 billion in 2020, companies are recognizing the importance of having a functional and well-optimized website. Presenting translated content is a great way to boost your website’s conversion rates and make it stand out from other competitors, especially if the content is created in accordance with the search engine’s algorithms.

Intercultural adaptation

traveling and translationThe need to reach customers in multiple markets with different native languages calls for culturally-specific content. A professional translator can provide higher precision in communicating important information to these customers by adapting travel agencies’ messages according to the market’s specific preferences. Culturally-modified content also reduces the risk of any potential misunderstandings when it comes to getting the company’s message across, eliminating any potential confusion when it comes to the professional terminology used in travel documents.

What are the benefits for translation agencies?

There are multiple ways in which translation companies can benefit from the long-term relationships they forge with businesses involved in the travel industry. Translating various travel-related materials, from marketing content to the company’s presentations and brochures, can give a translation company wider exposure to foreign markets and can help get their name across to new foreign customers. If your company has taken up a project for a major travel agency, this means that your work will reach a diverse, multinational audience, which can result in more customers and new opportunities for your translators.

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Investing in professional translation services is a necessity for companies looking to expand to foreign markets and reach a wider customer base. 1-StopAsia recommends that professional human translation is used by travel agencies of all sizes, for creating a consistent brand voice that is easily recognizable across cultures and various geographic locations. Our experienced translators, proficient in multiple Asian languages, are able to adapt travel agencies’ content much more accurately and with attention to detail than what the result from an automated translation would be. The benefits from professional translation justify the cost of investment and more travel companies are beginning to realize that, in order to be profitable across multiple markets, they need to personally address each one of them.