The Ultimate DTP Guide to Korean

Desktop publishing (DTP) is a process of using specialized software to create visual documents for print or digital media. DTP is an integral part of translation as it ensures that…

Mastering the East: Strategies for App Store Optimization and Localization in Asia

The app market in Asia is a lucrative challenge for anyone who wants to expand their business and attract users from that region. Asia boasts some of the world’s largest…

The Role of Language in Asian Martial Arts

Martial arts has a deep and complex history with sumo wrestling’s roots dating back all the way to 23 AD in Japan. Since then, numerous forms of martial arts have…

Understanding the Accents of the Korean Language: A Complete Guide

For linguists and language enthusiasts, the Korean language is a linguistic treasure trove because of its distinctive script and rich history. Knowing the accents of the Korean language is an…

Decoding Technical Jargon in Korean: A Translator’s Challenge

Korean technical translation is a major necessity for businesses that are looking to expand in that market. And there’s a good reason for this. Not only are technical translations necessary…

Translating Traditional Asian Scripts for Modern Usage

The world of translation has a rich and intertwined history, with some claiming that it dates back to over 2,000 years before the common era (BCE) when the poem Gilgamesh…

Language Processes for Korean Translation: A Case Study

If you thought that when referring to a language process, we are talking about one’s cognitive ability to process language using memory, attention, and other cognitive functions together – you’d…

AI and The Future of Korean Voice-Over Translation

As of December 2020, Netflix was said to have 3.8 million South Korean subscribers. This necessarily means translating and localizing video content for local audiences and as such, Korean voice-over…

The Benefits of Professional Korean Aerospace Translation

The benefits of accurate and timely Korean aerospace translation cannot be overstated. An incorrect translation or a minor mistranslation could have disastrous consequences. These can not only be costly and…

The Surge in Demand for Korean Media Translation Services

It’s undeniable that the Korean wave or “Hallyu” has taken the world by storm, resulting in the need for Korean media translation. But not just any translation will do. A…