Cybersecurity Translation in the Asian Context

Although the internet and world wide web are major sources of information and communication, they have also opened up pathways for malicious actors to take advantage of vulnerable or unsuspecting individuals. This happens when the cybersecurity efforts of organizations that have websites are not as strong as they could be.

Protecting private data, financial information, and even access to sources of funds is crucial for many organizations. And because of the fact that there is an increasing growth in international cybersecurity threats, it’s necessary for there to be collaborations between countries to ensure that cybersecurity efforts are strong and protect innocent people.

With this in mind comes the question of what is the role of cybersecurity translation. And what is the case and importance of cybersecurity translation in Asian countries? In this article, we explore the answers to these questions while focusing on two major Asian countries – China and Japan. Let’s take a closer look.

What is cybersecurity?

If you were to imagine an organization’s website and all the data the organization stores as a physical building, security would involve armed guards around the building, continuous monitoring via cameras, electric fences, and more to ensure the safety of the people and data in that building. In the same vein, cybersecurity is the protection of valuable and sensitive data on the web by organizations, ensuring that this data does not fall in the hands of malicious actors.

Examples of ways that a malware developer can attack their victims include accessing as much private data online as possible. Other examples include spam and phishing. With phishing, a user uses a website that appears to be trustworthy but actually isn’t. As such, people can enter their credit card, bank, and identity details on it willingly and unsuspectingly, while handing over this data to these malicious actors. Preventative actions are therefore highly necessary when it comes to cybersecurity.

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What is the role of the translation industry in cybersecurity?

There are numerous cases of individual online users who come across adverts or content in a foreign language. This can immediately raise the suspicions of a trained eye, but to the untrained individual, they may be inclined to click on these ads and be taken to a malicious site or link where malware or even ransomware can be installed on their computers. This ransomware encrypts the hard drive of the user’s computer, effectively locking them out of their system and being unable to access their files unless they pay a ransom to the hacker.

This is where cybersecurity translation plays an important role. These translators can help with the following:

  • They can decode foreign languages to get insights into specific websites
  • They can increase their knowledge of “bad” websites on the internet
  • Cybersecurity experts can benefit from translators to help them better understand the content in a language that is familiar to them
  • Translators can also help cybersecurity experts and white hackers understand foreign languages on websites, systems, or applications
  • Furthermore, these translators can ensure that the files and data in their possession are secure, contributing to secure systems – this should protect the client’s privacy and the safety of their data

Lessons for implementation

There are a number of lessons for implementation when it comes to cybersecurity translation. Among these, some of the best practices that cybersecurity translators should bear in mind include the following:

Computer Security

  • Including culture: Translators working in the cybersecurity space in Asian countries must be aware of the cultural nuances when communicating with clients to ensure that communication is as detailed and accurate as possible, to see to it that they win the trust of these Asian clients.
  • Educating the workforce: it’s essential when attempting to help your Asian clients with cybersecurity translation that your workforce is well-educated in online and offline malpractices by malicious actors. This can help improve the client’s security of data and sensitive files.
  • Translating user interfaces and mobile apps: you need to be able to cater to the demands of the local markets and ensure that your client’s user interface is translated accurately and properly localized for the local market so that your clients do not fall prey or victim to malicious ads or click on links that can take them to an unsafe site.
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Case study of cybersecurity translation challenges: China

When it comes to cybersecurity translation in China, one helpful example is that of blockchain development. Although the country banned over 80 cryptocurrency players in the early stages, it was in October 2019 that China’s President announced that the country would invest in blockchain, aiming to lead the way in the industry.

While foreign players entering the Chinese market are likely to face some uphill battles, the local players also need to be aware that blockchain has a lot to do with data privacy and protection. In addition, China’s number of blockchain developers is at a mere 5,000 at present, much lower than the US or India, and the country will require international help with its cybersecurity translation for blockchain in order to keep Chinese nationals’ data safe.

Case study of cybersecurity translation challenges: Japan

Japan is another Asian country where cybersecurity translation will be necessary. Although Japan has led the way and has tried to remain up-to-date on the latest technological innovations, the country does not have a sufficient number of local players and is willing to welcome Western players to speed up its adoption of this technology.

Interesting to note is that with the hack on Coincheck in 2018, Japan definitely felt the need to protect its customers and is seeing sufficient evidence to be cautious in the online space. As such, Japan is forcing protective measures that are considered “road bumps” on the journey forward, meaning that the role of cybersecurity translation will be crucial.

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Case study of cybersecurity translation challenges: Other Asian markets

Cybersecurity translation will also play a major role in many emerging economies such as the United Arab Emirates (UAE), India, and Malaysia, which are considered to be in the development phase of developing their blockchain industries. Meanwhile, countries like Singapore, which is quite well-developed in terms of blockchain, should ensure that its cybersecurity translations meet international standards and benchmarks to ensure that its population is well-protected.

The bottom line

Cybersecurity translation has become the need of the hour in Asia, partly because of the developments surrounding blockchain and partly because of the growing proliferation of malicious actors, who are going across borders to infect and steal private and sensitive data. The role of cybersecurity translators has never been more crucial and as such, will continue to play a major role in keeping the world’s population safe. Online safety is critical but with so many ways to steal private data, it’s essential that cybersecurity translators show private individuals how to stay safe online, while collaborating with cybersecurity experts to prevent incidents where losses can occur.