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IP and The Translation Industry

If you were to go on the Internet now and type in a search for, “What is IP?”, what will probably come up is Internet Protocol.

Are You Referring to Internet Protocol?
If you were to go on the Internet now and type in a search for, “What is IP?”, what will probably come up is Internet Protocol. And if you aren’t too familiar with the term, IP, you probably wouldn’t have guessed that it would have its own meaning or anything to do with the Translation Industry. When it comes to IP in reference to the Translation Industry, I’m referring to the term, “Intellectual Property”.

What is Intellectual Property?

Your first question may be, “What is Intellectual Property?” In short, Intellectual Property is and refers to the protection of an idea or creation used in commerce. So in other words, things such as Inventions, artistic work, names, logos, software, literature, and patents. It has to do with the legal ownership of these sorts of creations and ideas. But we’re going to focus on the topic as it relates to Patent – specifically, Patent Translations. So, since we now understand what IP stands for and what its’ meaning is, we can better understand how it is used when referring to the Translation Industry.

The Key Role of IP, and Why it’s Important in the Translation Industry

Intellectual PropertyPatent Translation plays a key role in the patenting process. Because it has to do with the rules, laws, and regulations of creations, inventions, literature, and etc. when it comes to its proper interpretation, use, and handling. Mistakes in the translation of a patent or something not correctly being implemented can result in the loss of ownership of a particular IP – meaning, the loss to the rights of an invention or idea of an invention, logo, name, or in our industry’s case – literature or a written document. Which would also mean the loss of money, potential notoriety, and cause a lot of unnecessary heartaches, pain, and frustration.
In view of all of this, you can see the importance of having your particular IP properly handled, documented, and translated. Having that document accurately converted into the particular language that you’re working with is crucial. And the easy interpretation of it is equally important.

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Essentials to be a Patent Translation Company

Here are the qualities to look for in a company when it comes to handling the translation of your patents:

  • Having the right people for the right job – due to the complexity and high technical level of the translations, it is crucial to have qualified experts in the various areas of translation.
  • Language expertise – translators must have both the knowledge of the language they are translating into, and also the original language of the documentation.
  • Attention to detail – even small mistakes can lead to rejection of a patent, so you should have the proper system for quality check. And processes implemented like ISO are important to have.
  • Reliability – working with a group of individuals that you can rely on to get the job done well and on time is crucial. Time is very important when it comes to patents. There is high competition in every industry, so good quality that can be delivered in a timely manner is very important.
  • Confidentiality – knowing that your IP is safe and protected in every way possible is extremely important. The lack of protection and safety over your work can be a scary thing to have to worry about. Always be sure to work with a team of people that you trust. The last thing you need is for your work or the process of you getting a patent to be compromised in any way.

So What Are You Saying?

With all of that said, you now see and understand that the protection of your IP is vitally important and should be taken very seriously. It’s essential to consider and weigh the costs when it comes to the quality of your patented documents or literature. The cost is too much to wager when it comes to losing the rights or ownership of an idea or work that means a lot to you. So think twice when it comes to how your IP is handled. Working with experts in the field is your safest bet, and will benefit you, your company, and those you work within the long-run.

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