Korean Webtoons and Their Growing Popularity

Western readers who grew up with comic books will surely remember the DC and Marvel superheroes that they grew up with, which have subsequently been turned into movies for all…

Introduction of Context-Awareness in NMT for Korean

Neural Machine Translation is the latest technology in the world of automated translation, but it still has its limitations, especially when it comes down to more complex languages. We will…

Localization Steps for Multilingual Websites for Asia

In our technologically driven world, we use the internet for so many aspects of our lives. From online shopping to communicating with friends and family, and even having services delivered…

Word Count for Japanese for Project Managers

For three years in the translation industry, I learned a trick or two on the peculiarities of working with Asian languages. Sometimes my quest for searching interesting and professional topics…

NLP for Burmese and Machine Translation Difficulties

The necessity of machine translation (MT) and natural language processing (NLP) for Burmese grew several decades ago as Myanmar was voted and expected to be a rising star in terms…

Is Baidu NMT better than Google and why?

When I originally did my research on this topic I was thinking that creating such an article would be a piece of cake. I imagined it would just be something…

Top Questions our PMs are asked about – Translation Industry

With over two decades of experience in the translation industry and spread over three continents, our project managers (PMs) at 1-StopAsia are often asked similar questions by new clients who…

Next Korean Drama Show: My Name

There’s nothing better than curling up on the sofa to watch a series. And what’s even better is the fact that you can now watch or stream South Korean dramas…

Developing Medical Translation Term Basis for Thai

The Thai language does not have an alphabet but rather uses a writing system which is called the abugida. Through this system, every new consonant may invoke an inherent vowel…

Climate Change, Asia and Translations

When we mention Asia and climate change in the same sentence, people usually anticipate that the conversation will be about politics. But, to start on the right foot here, I’d…

Why is proofreading essential for Asian languages?

Have you ever read a book in English and you noticed a typo or spelling mistake? Perhaps it was a grammatical error that threw you off. Or else, it could…

5 E-commerce translation mistakes when stepping on Asian markets

It has never been easier to sell online than it is today. There are so many tools (and affordable ones, too) to help you start your e-commerce store. With e-commerce,…

Is it better to have an LSP to handle your Asian translations?

The question we are asking today is about the advantages and disadvantages of having an LSP for a partner when it comes to translation services. It is one that has…

L10n matters: successes and failures in localization

The importance of localization cannot be understated. That is even more true when we speak about localization in Asia. After all, it’s relatively simple to produce words in one language…

Top 7 Game Translation Challenges

The world of games is vastly spiralling away with great demand for it. From teenagers who like to unload from the stresses of school to adults who would like to…

When NOT to choose Native Translators

In the last several months, I am actively paying attention to all new and relevant sales techniques that might bring a great experience to our potential and current clients. Our…

Video Localization for Asian languages

The importance of video cannot be underestimated in our current times. Following that trend video localization becomes an irreplaceable service as globalization continues.Here are some facts and statistics to put…

The Challenge: Devanagari Script & Hindi Fonts

Today we’ll dive into the beautiful world of Hindi. Written in the elaborate Devanagari script—it is truly pleasing to the eye. Just look at it: हिन्दी. The Devanagari script, also…

Language Metadata (LMT) help localization

The world of media and entertainment is huge to say the least. One part of it is the language and translation process, which means that with so much content being…

Trends: Vehicle Voice Control in Asia

It’s highly unlikely that the inventors of the first car could have predicted what the current automotive industry landscape looks like today. With highways spanning 12 lanes and more, countless…