About 1-StopAsia

Core Values

Love and pride for the languages and cultures of Asia

Continuous dedication to our clients, building long-lasting partnerships

A long-term strategy to build a company that lasts a millennium

If you feel it is time to improve your time-management and pay more attention to your clients

Company History


The translation company “Yeonsanjae” was established in Seoul, Korea


The first website created – www.donshin.com appearing 2nd in Yahoo searches for "English into Korean"

“The Sales from his first website reached $400″


$4000 earned, www.1stoptr.com with created alongside the 1-Stop Translation brand, first SDL Trados Studio license bought.


Don becomes a member of ATA

The company managed to earn $120,000


25th of January – Registered K-21 inc. alongside 3 employees.

Selected as a translator for the website of the 2002 FIFA World Cup in Korea and Japan.


Relocated to USA, registered 1-Stop Translation USA LLC on the 3rd of May.

1-Stop Translation USA LLC had a booth at ATA 2001


1-Stop Translation China established in Shenyang, China


1-Stop Translation: Contracts signed with various government agencies, industries, and translation companies, including:

- The State of California (Department of Rehabilitation, Department of Motor Vehicles, Department of Social Services, Orange County Registrar of Voters)
- UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund)
- UN and UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
- WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization)


Urichina.com - acquired, a Chinese language training company for Korean speakers


1-Stop Translation: Listed in Inc. Magazine’s “Fastest Growing Companies in America Top 5,000” for 2 consecutive years


Company name changed from “1-Stop Translation” to “1-StopAsia”


1-StopKorea established (Seoul, Korea)


1-StopBulgaria established (Plovdiv, Bulgaria)

1-StopJapan established (Tokyo, Japan)

1-StopAsia: Ranked for the 3rd time in Inc. Magazine’s “Fastest Growing Companies in America Top 5,000”


1-StopMedia established (Seoul, Korea)


1-StopThailand established (Bangkok, Thailand)

1-StopAsia: Ranked for the 4th time in Inc. Magazine’s “Fastest Growing Companies in America Top 5,000”. We’ve been ranked #2831

Included in TOP 30 of North America (20th) and TOP 100 in the world of largest Language Service Providers from Common Sense Advisory (92th)

ISO 9001/2015 and ISO 17100/2015 certification obtained

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