Judy Bai

Accounting Assistant

Judy is renowned among her colleagues for her warm and easygoing demeanor. She approaches her work with a deep sense of dedication and enthusiasm, embodying a positive attitude towards life. Judy’s strong entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to teamwork shine through in her interactions and contributions, making her a cherished and respected member of our team.

Our blog is dedicated to providing valuable insights and expert knowledge in the realm of Asian language services.


How many languages do you speak? Please write them in a list. Which is your mother tongue?

Chinese and English are the languages I often speak. Chinese is my native language, and English is my working language.

What is your favorite sport or hobby in your free time? Why is it so? Any interesting stories on it?

My favorite hobby is watching movies. It makes my life happier and more relaxed.

Top 3 things we don’t know about you? Might be something funny, quirky or strange 🙂

  1. I’m a minority
  2. I don’t eat pork
  3. I like going to the zoo very much

What was the most surprising thing you learned about Asia while working here?

There is a lot of delicious food and beautiful scenery.

Favorite book or a book that changed your mindset and why it did?

“To Live”, it let me cherish the good life now.

Your most extreme experience so far in your life/biggest challenge in your life?

I’ve drawn free airline tickets.

Your top 3 goals in professional life for the next 10 years

  1. Accounting professional qualification
  2. English vocational qualification
  3. Freelance workers who can work from home